Wednesday, July 5, 2017
From a new IMF paper on: Are House Prices Overvalued in Norway? – A Cross-Country Analysis:
“High and overvalued house prices are a source of vulnerability in Norway, in view of the importance of the housing market to both financial and macroeconomic stability. A large correction of house prices, driven by slower real income growth, a reverse in sentiment, or interest rate hikes could weaken household balance sheets and depress private demand, and in turn adversely affect corporate and bank earnings. The authorities have been vigilant about the risks and have implemented a list of measures to strengthen the resilience of banks and households, including additional bank capital buffer requirements in line with Basel III/CRD IV, higher risk weights on residential mortgages using IRB models, tighter mortgage regulations, and the introduction of the debt-to-income limit of five times the borrower’s gross annual income to complement the loan-to-value (LTV) limits and affordability tests. Nevertheless, further targeted macroprudential measures should be considered to help contain systemic risks if vulnerabilities in the housing sector intensify, including: tighter LTV limits, a reduction in banks’ scope for deviating from mortgage regulations, and/or higher mortgage risk weights.
In the longer term, the macro-financial resilience of the economy to housing market shocks should be enhanced through tax reform and structural measures. A stable housing market (without pronounced boom-bust cycles) would contribute to smoother economic development. While macroprudential measures play an important role in containing the buildup of financial imbalances, a holistic approach is needed to fundamentally address the issue: (i) reducing the generous tax preferences for housing investment would help prevent demand distortions and excessive leverage, thereby dampening housing cycles; (ii) while the recent streamlining of building codes―which shortened the time needed to obtain a building permit and finish construction—is welcome, relaxing land-use and remaining constraints on new property construction, including at the municipal level, should facilitate a more efficient use of land and a flexible adjustment of housing supply, which will mitigate house price growth; and (iii) a more developed rental market would help relieve demand pressures—especially in view of the recent large influx of asylum seekers―as well as support labor mobility across regions as the economy goes through structural change.”
From a new IMF paper on: Are House Prices Overvalued in Norway? – A Cross-Country Analysis:
“High and overvalued house prices are a source of vulnerability in Norway, in view of the importance of the housing market to both financial and macroeconomic stability. A large correction of house prices, driven by slower real income growth, a reverse in sentiment,
Posted by 11:31 AM
atLabels: Global Housing Watch
The latest update of the International Jobs Report shows that: “The global unemployment rate is expected to remain stable this year at about 5.7 percent and then decline in the coming years. The total number of people unemployed around the globe will remain at about 175 million this year. Unemployment rates are expected to decline in most advanced economies, but expected to be higher this year (compared to last year) in many emerging markets. Venezuela’s unemployment rate is expected to increase by 4 percentage points between 2016 and 2017, with smaller increases expected in Algeria, Brazil, South Africa and Turkey.”Continue reading here.
The latest update of the International Jobs Report shows that: “The global unemployment rate is expected to remain stable this year at about 5.7 percent and then decline in the coming years. The total number of people unemployed around the globe will remain at about 175 million this year. Unemployment rates are expected to decline in most advanced economies, but expected to be higher this year (compared to last year) in many emerging markets.
Posted by 9:24 AM
atLabels: Inclusive Growth
On cross-country:
On the US:
On other countries:
On cross-country:
On the US:
Posted by 7:31 AM
atLabels: Global Housing Watch
Wednesday, June 28, 2017
An IMF working paper finds: “This paper assesses spillovers from fiscal consolidations in 10 euro area countries using an innovative empirical methodology. The analysis lends support to the existence of fiscal spillovers, with fiscal consolidation in one country reducing not only the domestic output but also the output of other member states. Spillover effects are larger for: (i) more closely located and economically integrated countries, and (ii) for fiscal shocks originating from relatively larger countries. Most of the impact comes from revenue measures, while the impact of expenditure measures is relatively weaker. The latter result is consistent with the distortionary effects of taxation and empirical literature on fiscal multipliers using the narrative approach (Leigh and others 2010; Abiad and others 2011).
Our results have important policy implications. They suggest that fiscal consolidations in individual euro area countries, especially the larger ones, can reduce aggregate demand in others. The magnitude of cross-country spillovers has strengthened with the economic integration and introduction of a single currency. Also, spillovers can be larger if fiscal consolidations are implemented in downturns. Therefore, individual euro area countries should consider fiscal measures implemented in other members as well as the state of the economy when implementing domestic policies.”
For previous IMF work on negative demand spillovers in the euro area, see my VoxEU blog and Larry Elliott’s column.
Figure 1. Impact on Eurozone output from wage moderation, quantitative easing and structural
An IMF working paper finds: “This paper assesses spillovers from fiscal consolidations in 10 euro area countries using an innovative empirical methodology. The analysis lends support to the existence of fiscal spillovers, with fiscal consolidation in one country reducing not only the domestic output but also the output of other member states. Spillover effects are larger for: (i) more closely located and economically integrated countries, and (ii) for fiscal shocks originating from relatively larger countries.
Posted by 4:19 PM
atLabels: Inclusive Growth, Macro Demystified
“The property sector has grown rapidly, though there has been some price moderation recently and indicators do not suggest overheating. Prices have risen over the decade, in tandem with Peru’s economic expansion. In Q2 2016, the growth in median apartment prices in Lima softened compared to Q2 2015, but remained well above the 5-year average. Valuation indicators show that Peru’s property market is on an average footing compared to regional peers (…). The country also faces a housing deficit, particularly in the lower-income segments, and buying patterns do not appear speculative. Furthermore, property price indices in Peru only reflect the capital, Lima, which has a higher population growth and urbanization level than the rest of the country”, according to the IMF’s annual economic report on Peru.
“The property sector has grown rapidly, though there has been some price moderation recently and indicators do not suggest overheating. Prices have risen over the decade, in tandem with Peru’s economic expansion. In Q2 2016, the growth in median apartment prices in Lima softened compared to Q2 2015, but remained well above the 5-year average. Valuation indicators show that Peru’s property market is on an average footing compared to regional peers (…). The country also faces a housing deficit,
Posted by 3:39 PM
atLabels: Global Housing Watch
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