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Energy & Climate Change

Exploring the crypto-sustainability trade-off

Source: Project Syndicate

The explosive growth of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies has opened up a new front in the broader climate crisis by threatening to offset the progress made in recent years toward decarbonization. For the technology to gain wider adoption over the long term, its proponents will have to get serious about reducing its energy usage“, writes Marion Laboure of Harvard University.

The extensive power requirements in the cryptocurrency mining process, especially of those currencies limited in supply like Bitcoin, have generated a global debate on the sustainability of the process. While China banned the mining of cryptocurrency in September 2021 amidst an already debilitating energy crisis, other countries like El Salvador have adopted other methods like establishing a crypto mining city near a volcano to power the process using geothermal energy. Clearly, the world is divided on the matter. This article explores the issue in greater detail, charts out the environment-revenue trade-off before economies, and explores potential solutions.

Read on to know more.

Source: Project Syndicate

The explosive growth of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies has opened up a new front in the broader climate crisis by threatening to offset the progress made in recent years toward decarbonization. For the technology to gain wider adoption over the long term, its proponents will have to get serious about reducing its energy usage“, writes Marion Laboure of Harvard University.

The extensive power requirements in the cryptocurrency mining process,

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Posted by at 2:07 PM

Labels: Energy & Climate Change, Inclusive Growth


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