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New Evidence on Social Mobility in Germany

In a column for VoxEU CEPR, Majed Dodin and Sebastian Findeisen of the University of Manheim, Lukas Henkel of the European Central Bank, Dominik Sachs of the University of St. Gallen, and Paul Schüle of the University of Munich write about social mobility in Germany.

According to the OECD, social mobility in Germany is lower than in most other developed economies, reigniting a debate on equality of opportunity and shortcomings of the education system. This column discusses how census data can be used to obtain high-quality mobility statistics for Germany. Using the Abitur educational qualification as a measure of opportunity, it suggests that relative mobility has remained constant for recent birth cohorts but points to substantial geographic variation in mobility measures across regions in the country.”

Click here to read the full blog.

In a column for VoxEU CEPR, Majed Dodin and Sebastian Findeisen of the University of Manheim, Lukas Henkel of the European Central Bank, Dominik Sachs of the University of St. Gallen, and Paul Schüle of the University of Munich write about social mobility in Germany.

According to the OECD, social mobility in Germany is lower than in most other developed economies, reigniting a debate on equality of opportunity and shortcomings of the education system.

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Posted by at 6:17 AM

Labels: Inclusive Growth

Book: India’s Industrial Policy and Performance

The recently published book, India’s Industrial Policy and Performance (2021), by Dr. Nitya Nanda (Director, Council for Social Development- a New Delhi-based think tank) assesses the performance of Indian industries from the perspectives of trade, investment, policy, and development incentives. Excerpts from its abstract:

“The book examines India’s key policy initiatives and economic and institutional plans through many decades and examines their short and long-term effects on industrial environment and performance. It measures India’s strategic policies and efforts to promote industrialization against similar initiatives in countries like Germany, Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan. The volume also contextualizes the performance of different sectors of industry such as automobiles, electronics and information technology, and pharmaceuticals, among others, within the larger framework of global economic scenario and competition.”

It also discusses issues like the benefit foreign direct investment brings to developing countries (Loungani and Razin, 2001), changes in foreign equity norms in India and their role in shaping industrial policy, etc.

Click here to access the full book online.

The recently published book, India’s Industrial Policy and Performance (2021), by Dr. Nitya Nanda (Director, Council for Social Development- a New Delhi-based think tank) assesses the performance of Indian industries from the perspectives of trade, investment, policy, and development incentives. Excerpts from its abstract:

“The book examines India’s key policy initiatives and economic and institutional plans through many decades and examines their short and long-term effects on industrial environment and performance.

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Posted by at 7:35 AM

Labels: Book Reviews

How to Achieve Inclusive Growth: Major New Book from the IMF

The IMF’s major book on policies to achieve inclusive growth was just published. The book is available here

This and the book, Confronting Inequality: How Societies Can Choose Inclusive Growth (Ostry, Loungani, Berg; 2019) together make a compelling case for why inequality matters for efficiency and what policies can foster inclusive growth. 

The IMF’s major book on policies to achieve inclusive growth was just published. The book is available here

This and the book, Confronting Inequality: How Societies Can Choose Inclusive Growth (Ostry, Loungani, Berg; 2019) together make a compelling case for why inequality matters for efficiency and what policies can foster inclusive growth. 

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Posted by at 11:10 AM

Labels: Book Reviews, Inclusive Growth

Forecasting Facing Economic Shifts, Climate Change and Evolving Pandemics

New paper by Jennifer L. Castle , Jurgen A. Doornik and David F. Hendry

“By its emissions of greenhouse gases, economic activity is the source of climate change which affects pandemics that in turn can impact badly on economies. Across the three highly interacting disciplines in our title, time-series observations are measured at vastly different data frequencies: very low frequency at 1000-year intervals for paleoclimate, through annual, monthly to intra-daily for current climate; weekly and daily for pandemic data; annual, quarterly and monthly for economic data, and seconds or nano-seconds in finance. Nevertheless, there are important commonalities to economic, climate and pandemic time series. First, time series in all three disciplines are subject to non-stationarities from evolving stochastic trends and sudden distributional shifts, as well as data revisions and changes to data measurement systems. Next, all three have imperfect and incomplete knowledge of their data generating processes from changing human behaviour, so must search for reasonable empirical modeling approximations. Finally, all three need forecasts of likely future outcomes to plan and adapt as events unfold, albeit again over very different horizons. We consider how these features shape the formulation and selection of forecasting models to tackle their common data features yet distinct problems.”

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New paper by Jennifer L. Castle , Jurgen A. Doornik and David F. Hendry

“By its emissions of greenhouse gases, economic activity is the source of climate change which affects pandemics that in turn can impact badly on economies. Across the three highly interacting disciplines in our title, time-series observations are measured at vastly different data frequencies: very low frequency at 1000-year intervals for paleoclimate, through annual, monthly to intra-daily for current climate;

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Posted by at 8:16 AM

Labels: Forecasting Forum

Why low interest rates force us to revisit the scope and role of fiscal policy

In an article for the Peterson Institute for International Economics, economist Olivier Blanchard discusses 45 takeaways on the changing scope of fiscal policy and debt sustainability, in the light of consistently low interest rates. He also discusses three applications of the same- in the US, Japan, and Europe. Excerpts from the article:

  • “A case of too little? The shift from output stabilization to debt reduction in the wake of the global financial crisis in Europe was too strong and too costly, reflecting an excessive weight on the costs of debt and an insufficient belief in the adverse effects of contractionary fiscal policy on demand and output.
  • A case of just right? Faced with a strong case of secular stagnation, Japan has run large deficits for three decades and debt ratios have increased to very high levels, while the Bank of Japan remained at the effective lower bound. Was it the right strategy (if indeed it was a strategy)? The answer is a qualified yes, but, looking forward, the high debt ratios raise issues of debt sustainability. Alternative ways of boosting demand should be a high priority.
  • A case of too much? To boost the US recovery from the initial COVID-19 shocks, the Biden administration embarked in 2021 on a major fiscal expansion. The strategy (again, if indeed it was a strategy) was for fiscal policy to increase demand and thus increase the neutral rate, and for monetary policy to delay the adjustment of the policy rate to the neutral rate, and in the process generate temporary inflation. Inflation has turned out to be much higher than expected. Was the fiscal expansion too strong? Was the strategy a mistake?”

Click here to read the full article.

In an article for the Peterson Institute for International Economics, economist Olivier Blanchard discusses 45 takeaways on the changing scope of fiscal policy and debt sustainability, in the light of consistently low interest rates. He also discusses three applications of the same- in the US, Japan, and Europe. Excerpts from the article:

  • “A case of too little? The shift from output stabilization to debt reduction in the wake of the global financial crisis in Europe was too strong and too costly,

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Posted by at 2:50 PM

Labels: Macro Demystified

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