Inclusive Growth

Global Housing Watch

Forecasting Forum

Energy & Climate Change

Housing View – January 21, 2022

On cross-country:

  • Housing affordability and responses during times of stress: A preliminary look during the COVID-19 pandemic – Contemporary Economic Policy

On the US:    

  • Something Has to Give in the Housing Market. Or Does It? There appears to be no quick reprieve coming for rising prices: “It’s not a bubble, it really is about the fundamentals.” – New York Times
  • A growing share of Americans say affordable housing is a major problem where they live – Pew Research Center
  • Housing-Market Risks in U.S. Are Clustered Around NYC, Chicago. Attom data rank areas by affordability, level of foreclosures. Outside of California, the West is the least fragile market – Bloomberg 
  • Available Homes Shrink More Than 30% in Hottest Housing Markets. It would take less than a week to sell all the inventory in Seattle, and about 9 days for San Jose and Denver at current prices, according to Redfin. – Bloomberg
  • The YIMBYs are starting to win a few. Slowly but surely, progressives are realizing that they need to build, build, build – Noahpinion
  • Austin’s Mayor Seeks $500 Million Bond to Help Ease Housing Crunch – Bloomberg
  • Homes Above $800,000 Drive Bidding Wars in the U.S. Housing Market. Nearly two-thirds of pricey homes had competition in December, while supply remains tight due to low mortgage rates and booming demand. – Bloomberg
  • Short term rentals are an opportunity for some, but are impacting affordable housing – NPR
  • Blackstone’s new real estate play: the rent-to-buy market. Home Partners believes it has created an alternative path to home ownership. But is it really more like another corporate landlord? – FT
  • Cincinnati Agency Buys Nearly 200 Rental Homes, Thwarting Private Investors. City plans to upgrade rental homes and sell to tenants in affordable-housing effort – Wall Street Journal
  • A Progressive Real Estate Firm Faces Accusations of Discrimination. Redfin has staked its reputation on making a racist industry more equitable. Critics say it has been denying services to Black homebuyers and sellers. – Bloomberg 
  • Mortgage denial rates by race in 2020 – Axios
  • Study: 20% of Black mortgage applicants in Ga. rejected – Axios
  • Black Mortgage Applicants Denied 84% More Often than White Borrowers – Zillow 
  • Rising mortgage rates could slow house price surge – Axios
  • To Senator Toomey: The Process of Exiting GSE Conservatorship Is Not So Simple – Harvard Joint Center for Housing Studies
  • New State Rule Would Force Suburbs to Legalize Thousands of New Apartments Near T Stops – StreetsblogMASS
  • Fraud and the financial crisis – AEA
  • Housing finance: Insights on the new normal – American Enterprise Institute
  • Good news for buyers? New-home construction activity increases, amid a surge in building permits. U.S. home builders face a growing backlog of construction projects they haven’t started work on, which should continue to pump supply into the housing market in 2022 – MarketWatch
  • Multi-family housing boosts U.S. homebuilding; supply constraints seen unrelenting – Reuters
  • Boom in Home Remodeling May Peak in 2022 – Harvard Joint Center for Housing Studies

On China

  • Slowdown in Chinese town highlights potential pitfalls of property reforms. Homeowners’ struggles demonstrate challenge of cooling sector without damaging wider economy – FT
  • China Considers Major Step to Ease Developer Cash Crunch. Regulators mull policy package to ease crisis: person familiar. Government is fine-tuning industry crackdown as economy slows – Bloomberg
  • China’s Home Market Slump Persists on All Fronts, Hurting Growth – Bloomberg
  • China’s GDP growth slows as Covid restrictions and property woes hit demand. Central bank cuts lending rate as economy expands 4% year on year in fourth quarter – FT
  • China’s Economy Is Slowing, a Worrying Sign for the World. Economic output climbed 4 percent in the last quarter of 2021, slowing from the previous quarter. Growth has faltered as home buyers and consumers become cautious. – New York Times
  • China’s Spreading Property Debt Crisis Pressures Xi to Ease – Bloomberg
  • Xi Reshapes China Property Market Paving Way for State Dominance. Officials seeking to quash speculation, limit financial risk. State-owned developers seen taking over the key industry – Bloomberg
  • China Experts Map Out Endgame for Xi’s Revamped Property Sector. State-owned firms seen taking control of real estate market. Transition will be ‘long and painful,’ Bocom’s Hao Hong says – Bloomberg
  • How Too Many Boys Skew China’s Economy. The government’s fight to control housing prices and insulate the economy is bound up with some very fundamental human impulses—and decisions made decades ago – Wall Street Journal

On other countries:  

  • [Canada] Housing demand in Canada: A novel approach to classifying mortgaged homebuyers – Bank of Canada
  • [Canada] We don’t expect an increase in interest rates to have a huge impact on housing supply: CHBA CEO – Bloomberg
  • [Canada] House hunters in Canada face tightest market on record. There are so few homes for sale in Canada that people are starting to call it a housing crisis. – Al Jazeera
  • [Czech Republic] EU’s Hottest Property Market Fuels Aggressive Czech Rate Hikes – Bloomberg
  • [France] Working from home and corporate real estate – VoxEU
  • [Germany] Bundesbank warns German lenders of complacency as house prices soar. Credit risks have been ‘underestimated’, vice-president Claudia Buch tells FT – FT
  • [Ireland] Rising rents and surging prices trigger ‘collapse’ in home ownership. Housing in Ireland is ‘severely unaffordable’, report by Parliamentary Budget Office says – The Irish Times
  • [Italy] The Agglomeration of Urban Amenities: Evidence from Milan Restaurants – NBER
  • [New Zealand] New Zealand Home Price Increases Show Signs of Moderating – Market Watch
  • [New Zealand] New Zealand’s house prices skyrocketing – Global Property Guide
  • [Slovak Republic] Slovak Republic’s house price growth accelerating – Global Property Guide
  • [United Kingdom] UK mortgage demand cools amid economic concerns. Would-be homebuyers confound forecasters and turn cautious, BoE survey – FT
  • [United Kingdom] The big idea: could fixing housing fix everything else, too? From inequality to pollution, Britain’s housing crisis sits at the root of a surprising range of problems – The Guardian
  • [United Kingdom] Mortgage values fall from nutty 2020 high but new homebuyers are still feeling the pain. Surge in mortgages during pandemic suggests house prices will continue to grow for first half of 2022 – at least – The Guardian
  • [United Kingdom] UK house prices rise annual 10.0% in November – Reuters
  • [South Africa] Rate Hikes Unlikely to Weigh on South Africa Home Buying in 2022 – Bloomberg
  • [Taiwan] Taiwan Central Bank Chief Repeats Stance on Rates-Housing Link – Bloomberg 

On cross-country:

  • Housing affordability and responses during times of stress: A preliminary look during the COVID-19 pandemic – Contemporary Economic Policy

On the US:    

  • Something Has to Give in the Housing Market. Or Does It? There appears to be no quick reprieve coming for rising prices: “It’s not a bubble, it really is about the fundamentals.” – New York Times
  • A growing share of Americans say affordable housing is a major problem where they live – Pew Research Center
  • Housing-Market Risks in U.S.

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Posted by at 5:00 AM

Labels: Global Housing Watch

Inequality and Health Crises

The outbreak of the novel Coronavirus, or COVID-19, has exacerbated economic and social inequalities. Several studies have tried to capture the impact of the same using extensive qualitative and quantitative data, spanning diverse categories like economic backgrounds, geographical regions, sex, caste, color, and other such social identities, inter alia.

The NBER paper, Inequality in the Times of a Pandemic (2022), by Stefanie Stantcheva, maps findings “related to inequalities across the income distribution, sectors and regions, gender, and inequalities in education inputs for children from different socioeconomic backgrounds”.

On similar lines but delving deeper on the issue of income inequalities, the paper, Epidemics, pandemics and income inequality (2022) in Health Economics Review attempts to understand how the outbreak of diseases like the Coronavirus, Ebola, Avian flu, etc., have impacted income distributions in the first two decades of the 21st century. The paper develops a model that indicates a positive association between these health crises and income inequality. To empirically test theoretical predictions, it explores the effect on the Gini coefficient of a dummy variable that indicates the occurrence of an epidemic or a pandemic in a country in a given year and the number of deaths per 100,000. To properly address potential endogeneity, the authors implement a Three-Stage-Least Squares technique. The estimation shows that the number of deaths per 100,000 population variable has a statistically significant positive effect on the Gini coefficient, especially when COVID-19 data is included.

The outbreak of the novel Coronavirus, or COVID-19, has exacerbated economic and social inequalities. Several studies have tried to capture the impact of the same using extensive qualitative and quantitative data, spanning diverse categories like economic backgrounds, geographical regions, sex, caste, color, and other such social identities, inter alia.

The NBER paper, Inequality in the Times of a Pandemic (2022), by Stefanie Stantcheva, maps findings “related to inequalities across the income distribution,

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Posted by at 8:13 AM

Labels: Inclusive Growth

EconoFact at Five

From EconBrowser:

“[On] January 20thEconoFact celebrates its 5 year anniversary, providing non-partisan, incisive analyses on timely and important economic and social policy issues. It does so by bringing to the public debate the expertise of leading economists and social scientists via memos and podcasts.



Debt and Deficits

The Covid-19 Pandemic

The Safety Net

With contributions from a network of economists and social scientists. (full disclosure: I’m one of the contributors.)

The entire topics list A-Z is here.”

From EconBrowser:

“[On] January 20th, EconoFact celebrates its 5 year anniversary, providing non-partisan, incisive analyses on timely and important economic and social policy issues. It does so by bringing to the public debate the expertise of leading economists and social scientists via memos and podcasts.



Debt and Deficits

The Covid-19 Pandemic

The Safety Net

With contributions from a network of economists and social scientists.

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Posted by at 7:38 AM

Labels: Macro Demystified

Housing affordability and responses during times of stress: A preliminary look during the COVID-19 pandemic

From a new paper by Stephen Malpezzi:

“The global SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 Pandemic has disrupted public health, economies, and housing markets since early 2020. The shock has called forth a number of policy responses, such as moratoria on foreclosures and evictions, attempts to regulate rents and prices, and a range of subsidies on both supply and demand sides. This paper reviews the state of housing markets and discusses the expected efficacy of alternative policy measures taken or contemplated. Recognizing the provisional nature of any paper written during a large and durable ongoing shock, suggestions for additional research are provided.”

From a new paper by Stephen Malpezzi:

“The global SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 Pandemic has disrupted public health, economies, and housing markets since early 2020. The shock has called forth a number of policy responses, such as moratoria on foreclosures and evictions, attempts to regulate rents and prices, and a range of subsidies on both supply and demand sides. This paper reviews the state of housing markets and discusses the expected efficacy of alternative policy measures taken or contemplated.

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Posted by at 7:34 AM

Labels: Global Housing Watch

Residential Mobility and Unemployment in the UK

Building upon their earlier work on the same topic, economists Monica Langella and Alan Manning of the Centre for Economic Performance, London School of Economics, further assess spatial differences and trends in internal migration to understand unemployment adjustment in the United Kingdom.

Abstract– “This paper uses UK census data to investigate how unemployment affects residential mobility using small areas as potential destinations and origins and four decades of data. It finds that both in- and out-migration are affected by local unemployment – but also that there is a very high ‘cost of distance’, so most moves are very local. We complement the study with individual longitudinal data to analyse individual heterogeneities in mobility. We show that elasticities to local unemployment are different across people with different characteristics. For instance, people who are better educated are more sensitive, the same applies to homeowners. Ethnic minorities are on average less sensitive to local unemployment rates and tend to end up in higher unemployment areas when moving.”

The paper offers comprehensive coverage of contrasting evidence, which on one hand shows that theoretically migration from economically depressed to booming areas must tackle unemployment, but on the other makes one question if this principle still holds owing to empirical results found from studies conducted in the US labor market (M. Dao, D. Furceri, P. Loungani, 2017). It proceeds to offer reasons to support the claim that migration response to economic booms has been observed to slow down on several instances, and reconciles the diverse range of evidence available from experiences of different countries.

Click here to read the full paper.

Building upon their earlier work on the same topic, economists Monica Langella and Alan Manning of the Centre for Economic Performance, London School of Economics, further assess spatial differences and trends in internal migration to understand unemployment adjustment in the United Kingdom.

Abstract– “This paper uses UK census data to investigate how unemployment affects residential mobility using small areas as potential destinations and origins and four decades of data. It finds that both in- and out-migration are affected by local unemployment –

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Posted by at 7:21 AM

Labels: Inclusive Growth

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