Inclusive Growth

Global Housing Watch

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Energy & Climate Change

Housing View – January 10, 2020

On cross-country:


On the US:

  • Dominating Firms Can Depress House Prices as Well as Wages – Wall Street Journal
  • Experts predict what the 2020 housing market will bring – Washington Post
  • Trump Administration Plans Roll Back of Low-Income Housing Rules – Wall Street Journal
  • Our cities don’t have enough affordable housing. Changing this policy will help – CNN
  • New Trump Administration Regulations Say That Affordable Housing Is Fair Housing – Reason
  • AEI Housing Market Indicators release on September 2019 data – American Enterprise Institute
  • Pricey California Targeted in New Effort for Housing Density – Bloomberg
  • Home Purchase Sentiment Index Caps Off Strong 2019 Near Its Survey High – Fannie Mae
  • How Wealthy Towns Keep People With Housing Vouchers Out – ProPublica
  • Opinion: Unintended consequences: How ‘green’ regulations exacerbate the housing crisis – Market Watch
  • As Trump Ditches a Fair Housing Rule, New York City Doubles Down – Citylab
  • California Governor Pushes $1.4 Billion Plan To Tackle Homelessness – NPR
  • Why The Most Favorable Markets for Tech Expansion Aren’t Where You Might Think – Zillow

On other countries:

On cross-country:


On the US:

  • Dominating Firms Can Depress House Prices as Well as Wages – Wall Street Journal
  • Experts predict what the 2020 housing market will bring – Washington Post
  • Trump Administration Plans Roll Back of Low-Income Housing Rules – Wall Street Journal
  • Our cities don’t have enough affordable housing.

Read the full article…

Posted by at 5:00 AM

Labels: Global Housing Watch

Housing View – January 2, 2020 [2020 AEA Annual Meeting Special Edition]

Below is a preliminary list of papers that will presented at this year’s AEA Annual Meeting on January 3-5 in San Diego, California.


On housing and cycles

  • Housing Cycles and Exchange Rates – Paper
  • Is the Behavior of Sellers with Expected Gains and Losses Relevant to Cycles in House Prices? – Paper
  • China’s Housing Bubble, Infrastructure Investment, and Economic Growth – Paper and Presentation
  • Black-Cat Markets and the Value of Superstition: Evidence from Housing Prices in China – AEA
  • Regional housing market risk – AEA
  • ‘Memory’ in the Middle: Housing Price – Macroeconomic Interactions in the United States – Paper
  • The Impact of Parental Wealth on College Enrollment & Degree Attainment: Evidence from the Housing Boom & Bust – AEA
  • Villains or Scapegoats? The Role of Subprime Borrowers in Driving the United States Housing Boom – Paper
  • Property Tax Limits and Female Labor Supply: Evidence from the Housing Boom and Bust – AEA
  • Local House Price Comovements – Paper
  • How Auctions Amplify House-Price Fluctuations – Paper
  • Unemployment and the United States Housing Market during the Great Recession – AEA


On housing and credit

  • Mortgage Credit and Housing Markets – Paper
  • Mortgage Debt, Consumption, and Illiquid Housing Markets in the Great Recession – Paper
  • The Geography of Mortgage Lending in Times of FinTech – Paper
  • Credit Surface of Mortgage Loans: Lenders’ Belief of Housing Markets – AEA
  • Concentration and Lending in Mortgage Markets – AEA
  • Policy Uncertainty and Bank Mortgage Credit – Paper and Presentation


On housing policy

  • The Macroprudential Toolkit: Effectiveness and Interactions – Paper
  • Aggregate and Distributional Impacts of Housing Policy: China’s Experiment – Paper
  • Unintended Consequences of LTV Limits on Credit and Housing Choices – Paper
  • Sticky Expectations in the Housing Market: Evidence from the Housing Purchase Restriction Policy – AEA
  • Harping on about HARP: Consequences of Ineligibility for the Home Affordable Refinance Program – Paper
  • The Anatomy of the Transmission of Macroprudential Policies – Paper
  • Comparing the PRA Program to Other Housing Options for People with Disabilities – AEA
  • Targeting In-Kind Transfers through Market Design: A Revealed Preference Analysis of Public Housing Allocation – AEA
  • Bank Capital Requirements and Asset Prices: Evidence from the Swiss Real Estate Market – Paper


On housing affordability

  • (Why) Are Housing Costs Rising? – Paper
  • Affordable Housing and City Welfare – Paper
  • Do More Housing Units Reduce Nearby Rents? – AEA
  • Procyclical Price-Rent Ratios: Theory and Implications – Paper
  • Religion, Ideology, and Housing Affordability: Israeli Settlement of the West Bank – Paper
  • Highly Disaggregated Land Unavailability – Paper


On housing and evictions

  • Does Eviction Have Spillovers on Children? – AEA
  • Housing Insecurity, Homelessness and Populism: Evidence from the UK – Paper
  • Measuring Housing Stability with Consumer Reference Data – AEA


On housing, investors, and speculation

  • Investors and Housing Affordability – Paper
  • Fundamental and Speculative Demands for Housing – AEA
  • S. Housing as Global Safe Haven Asset: Evidence from China Shocks – Paper
  • Capital Flows, Asset Prices, and the Real Economy: A “China Shock” in the US Real Estate Market – AEA
  • Capital Flows, Real Estate, and City Business Cycles: Micro Evidence from the German Boom – AEA


On housing and the sharing economy

  • Does bike sharing increase house prices? Evidence from micro-level data in Shanghai – Paper and Presentation
  • The Last Mile Matters: Impact of Dockless Bike Sharing on Subway Housing Price Premium – Paper
  • Airbnb and Private Investment in Chicago Neighborhoods – Paper


On housing, the environment, and natural disasters

  • Perception Versus Reality: The Noise Complaint Effect on Home Values – Paper
  • How Much Does Nearby Blight Affect Real Estate Prices? The Case of Hurricane Sandy – Paper
  • Dust Storms, Migration and Housing Markets – AEA


On housing and migration

  • A Tale of Two Cities: The Impact of Cross-Border Migration on Hong Kong’s Housing Market – Paper and Presentation
  • A World Divided: Refugee Centers, House Prices, and Household Preferences – Paper and Presentation
  • The Real Estate Consequences of Immigration Shocks: Evidence from the United States’ Mexican Repatriation – AEA
  • Residential Segregation and Ethnicity – AEA
  • Immigration and Housing Rents: The 2015 Refugee Crisis in Germany – AEA


On housing and everything else

  • The Role of Agents in Tax Evasion: Evidence from the Housing Market in China – Paper
  • Inside Job: Evidence from the Chinese Housing Market – Paper
  • On the Differential Impact of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act on the Housing Market: Blue versus Red – Paper and Presentation
  • Shifting House Price Gradients: Evidence Using Both Rental and Asset Prices – Paper
  • Local Constant-Quality Housing Market Liquidity Indices – Paper
  • Do Elderly Individuals Delay Claiming Social Security and Cash-out Home Equity When House Prices Appreciate? – Paper
  • Street Name Fluency and Housing Prices – Paper and Presentation
  • Picture and Playground: Valuing Coastal Amenities – Paper
  • Endowments and Minority Homeownership – Paper
  • Heterogeneous Households and Market Segmentation in a Hedonic Framework – Paper and Presentation
  • Housing Search Frictions: Evidence from Detailed Search Data and a Field Experiment – AEA
  • Housing Wealth, Bequests, and the Elderly – Paper
  • Public Transport, Noise Complaints, and Housing: Evidence from Sentiment Analysis in Singapore – Paper and Presentation
  • The Most Wonderful Time of the Year? Thin Markets, House Price Seasonality, and the December Discount – Paper
  • Do School Shootings Erode Property Values? – Paper
  • Collateral Value and Entrepreneurship: Evidence from a Property Tax Reform – Paper
  • Tracing the Source of Liquidity for Distressed Housing Markets – Paper
  • Neighborhood housing rent index construction and spatial discontinuity: a machine learning approach – Paper
  • A Tale of Two Cities: The Impact of Cross-Border Migration on Hong Kong’s Housing Market – Paper and Presentation



*AEA indicates that neither the paper or presentation is available at the moment.


Below is a preliminary list of papers that will presented at this year’s AEA Annual Meeting on January 3-5 in San Diego, California.


On housing and cycles

  • Housing Cycles and Exchange Rates – Paper
  • Is the Behavior of Sellers with Expected Gains and Losses Relevant to Cycles in House Prices? – Paper
  • China’s Housing Bubble, Infrastructure Investment, and Economic Growth – Paper and Presentation
  • Black-Cat Markets and the Value of Superstition: Evidence from Housing Prices in China –

Read the full article…

Posted by at 2:00 AM

Labels: Global Housing Watch

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