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Deindustrialization and Employment in Morocco

A new OCP Policy Center policy brief shows that “downward trend of employment in manufacturing in Morocco is due primarily to labor productivity improvement and that the increased deficit in manufacturing trade also plays an important role. While recognizing the crucial importance of a vibrant manufacturing sector in Morocco, this brief argues that Morocco cannot rely primarily on manufactures to “pull” labor out of agriculture. To provide more jobs, Moroccan policies should pay more attention to sectors which employ large numbers of people and where employment is expanding as a result of the ongoing structural transformation of the Moroccan economy.”


A new OCP Policy Center policy brief shows that “downward trend of employment in manufacturing in Morocco is due primarily to labor productivity improvement and that the increased deficit in manufacturing trade also plays an important role. While recognizing the crucial importance of a vibrant manufacturing sector in Morocco, this brief argues that Morocco cannot rely primarily on manufactures to “pull” labor out of agriculture. To provide more jobs, Moroccan policies should pay more attention to sectors which employ large numbers of people and where employment is expanding as a result of the ongoing structural transformation of the Moroccan economy.”

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Posted by at 9:15 PM

Labels: Inclusive Growth

Workers of the World, Revise!

From a new Bloomberg Opinion article by Minouche Shafik:

“We are living in an age of insecurity, with the values of the global liberal order under fire despite the progress they’ve delivered for the vast majority of people. The rise of populism in politics, fears over slowing economic progress in advanced economies, and worsening prospects for future generations, as well as mounting evidence of declining subjective well-being and trust in many countries, are all expressions of this. Those who don’t feel they’ve benefited from the current order are understandably agitating to change it.

This backlash against “globalization” reflects a failure of our social contract — the mechanisms through which we share risks and offset, to some extent, the impact of luck on life chances. This is embodied in our welfare states, which define the rights and obligations of citizenship; the payment of taxes in exchange for public goods; and the way in which we look after the young, the old, the infirm and those who have fallen on hard times. While globalization increased the total pie, our social contract has done a poor job of sharing the benefits. We need to rethink that contract if we are to provide people with a greater sense of security and better economic prospects.

Central to this task are measures to ensure our economies are fairer. While globalization has meant the world has become more equal between nations — with many poor countries having seen huge progress in recent decades — it’s also exacerbated inequalities within advanced economies particularly.

To combat this over the medium term, “pre-distribution” policies such as investments in education and infrastructure will be key. In the short run, however, redistribution also needs to play a part, especially as labor markets reward the highly skilled more and more. Tax reforms in advanced economies over the last 20 years have become less progressive; this needs to be reversed. Wealth inequality has grown even more than income inequality, so taxes on wealth such as land and real estate should be considered.

We also need to counter the large increase in the share of total income that’s gone to capital relative to labor. Capital is highly mobile and can evade taxation through the use of havens and various “tax-efficient” arrangements. International agreement on ways to close such loopholes and tax economic activity where it takes place would go a long way toward making the world economy fairer.

That needs to be complemented by giving citizens more time to adjust to the competitive pressures and technological changes that globalization brings. Mechanisms are needed to give workers more bargaining power — including stronger trade unions, and the use of profit-sharing schemes or cooperatives.

There also needs to be a floor on incomes to ensure everyone can enjoy a reasonable standard of living even if their wages are low. Rather than the much discussed universal basic income, better solutions could include wage subsidies, earned-income tax credits or higher minimum wages, combined with better access to services such as education, health and other public goods.

We also need to reassure citizens about their economic futures even as the societies around them age and their workplaces are automated. Demographic changes mean that many of us who are fit enough will have to work longer. Linking retirement ages explicitly to life expectancy (as the Netherlands has done) would help tailor expectations to this new reality.

Re-skilling over one’s lifetime will also become ever more important, and governments will have to invest substantial resources in the task, as Denmark does, since employers will have weak incentives to do so when employee turnover is rising. In fact, workers should be given a financial entitlement to invest in their own skills so they can retool and be able to continue to support themselves throughout their lives.

Automation will transform labor markets regardless. While eventually new jobs will emerge, workers need to be supported during this transition. We should use gains in productivity as an opportunity to eliminate aspects of jobs that are routine and repetitive and replace them with more meaningful work and leisure. As countries get richer, people work fewer hours. Giving part-time and temporary workers (who tend to be lower-skilled and lower-paid) more rights to pensions, paid leave and training has worked out well for countries such as Denmark, Germany and the Netherlands.

Some new social contract along these lines is essential to sustain political support for open economies and societies. These issues are deeply rooted in history and values, so every country will make different choices on the balance of responsibilities between the individual, the state and the market. But the conversation needs to be had — and soon — if we are to restore a sense of security and hope in our societies.”

From a new Bloomberg Opinion article by Minouche Shafik:

“We are living in an age of insecurity, with the values of the global liberal order under fire despite the progress they’ve delivered for the vast majority of people. The rise of populism in politics, fears over slowing economic progress in advanced economies, and worsening prospects for future generations, as well as mounting evidence of declining subjective well-being and trust in many countries,

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Posted by at 2:31 PM

Labels: Inclusive Growth

Housing View – November 2, 2018

On cross-country:

  • 500 Years of Urban Rents, Housing Quality and Affordability – Research Gate


On the US:


On other countries:

  • [China] Local capital scarcity and industrial decline caused by China’s real estate booms – VOX
  • [Greece] Seeking a bargain, and taste of the good life, Chinese buy Greek homes – Reuters
  • [Singapore] Singapore’s Public Housing, Envy of World, Hits Rough Patch – Bloomberg
  • [Spain] Little Caracas, el barrio de lujo que se ha instalado en el centro de Madrid – GQ
  • [United Kingdom] Curtain comes down on Help to Buy – Financial Times


Photo by Aliis Sinisalu

On cross-country:

  • 500 Years of Urban Rents, Housing Quality and Affordability – Research Gate


On the US:

  • Seventh annual AEI-CRN conference on housing markets and finance: Supply, demand, and pro-cyclical forces – American Enterprise Institute
  • Lynn Fisher on affordable housing and US housing markets – American Enterprise Institute
  • Changes in Supply and Demand at Various Segments of the Rental Market: How Do They Match Up?

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Posted by at 5:00 AM

Labels: Global Housing Watch

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