Inclusive Growth

Global Housing Watch

Forecasting Forum

Energy & Climate Change

Housing View – June 1, 2018

On cross-country:


On the US:

  • Leaning Against Housing Prices as Robustly Optimal Monetary Policy – NBER
  • Why Don’t House Price Growth and Inflation Move in Tandem? – Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
  • Help wanted: Home builders need women, immigrants and robots to fill shortage – MarketWatch
  • Where the House-Price-to-Income Ratio Is Most Out of Whack – Citylab
  • Mortgage Interest Deduction Reform Worked; Sky Isn’t Falling – Cato Institute
  • How Student Debt Can Ruin Home Buying Dreams – New York Times
  • Quest for Affordable Housing Drives People Away From the Coasts – Pew Charitable Trusts
  • Alexandria, Virginia Gets Housing Affordability Wrong – Cato Institute


On other countries:

  • [Australia] Seven Charts That Show Why Australia’s Housing Boom Is Ending – Bloomberg
  • [Australia] Chinese property investment in Australia plummets – Financial Times
  • [Australia] Inquiry into increasing affordable housing supply: Evidence-based principles and strategies for Australian policy and practice – Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute
  • [Canada] Determinants of housing prices: evidence from Ontario cities, 2001-2011 – Emerald Insight
  • [Canada] Canada’s ‘Unprecedented’ Reliance on Housing Fuels Recession Call – Bloomberg
  • [Canada] Bank of Canada Seen on Hold Amid Trade Uncertainty, Housing Slowdown – Wall Street Journal
  • [China] China’s Toughest Housing Curbs Test Limits of Speculative Buyers – Bloomberg
  • [Hungary] Property prices boom in Budapest – Financial Times
  • [Korea] Housing investment, default risk, and expectations: Focusing on the chonsei market in Korea – Regional Science and Urban Economics
  • [Netherlands] Amsterdam Bets on Social Housing to Beat Soaring Prices – Bloomberg
  • [Rwanda] How can the mismatch in housing supply be addressed? – The New Times
  • [South Africa] Cape Town Rocked by Protests as Poor Communities Demand Housing – Bloomberg
  • [United Arab Emirates] Why affordability is the new buzzword in Dubai real estate – JLL
  • [United Kingdom] Will London Ever Get Affordable Housing? – Bloomberg
  • [United Kingdom] UK Housing Review 2018 – UK Housing Review


Photo by Aliis Sinisalu

On cross-country:


On the US:

  • Leaning Against Housing Prices as Robustly Optimal Monetary Policy – NBER
  • Why Don’t House Price Growth and Inflation Move in Tandem?

Read the full article…

Posted by at 5:00 AM

Labels: Global Housing Watch

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