House Prices in Belgium

A new IMF paper “(…) argues that current house prices are closer to their equilibrium than simple historical ratios would suggest and that given the moderate overvaluation, a gradual and limited adjustment seems a plausible scenario. Strong household balance sheets, a seemingly well-managed mortgage market and various institutional characteristics reduce the risk of an abrupt correction. Given that historical house price changes have had moderate macro-economic effects – with the exception of residential investment – the repercussions of a gradual decline seem manageable.”

Moreover, the paper says that “there is a continued need for vigilance and policy coordination. Recent changes in macro-prudential and fiscal policy seem appropriate to make the housing market safer and reduce untargeted fiscal expenditures. To assure that the price adjustment remains orderly and does not lead to overshooting, future policy changes should be gradual and coordinated among different institutions. A well communicated housing strategy could help to avoid price mis-alignments in the future.”

Posted by at 2:32 PM

Labels: Global Housing Watch


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