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Productivity and Pay in the US and Canada

Source: VoxEU CEPR


The real pay of typical workers has grown much more slowly than productivity over recent decades in several developed economies. This column uses data from the US and Canada to examine whether productivity growth actually benefits typical workers by raising their pay. The authors find strong evidence of linkage between productivity and pay in the US but more mixed evidence for Canada, possibly due to it being a smaller, more internationally open economy. Overall, the findings suggest that measures to boost productivity growth are important for raising pay for the average and typical worker.

Source: VoxEU CEPR


The real pay of typical workers has grown much more slowly than productivity over recent decades in several developed economies. This column uses data from the US and Canada to examine whether productivity growth actually benefits typical workers by raising their pay. The authors find strong evidence of linkage between productivity and pay in the US but more mixed evidence for Canada, possibly due to it being a smaller,

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Posted by at 12:59 PM

Labels: Inclusive Growth, Macro Demystified

A framework to decarbonise the economy

Source: VoxEU CEPR

Despite the commitments of the 2021 UN Climate Change Conference, countries’ climate mitigation policies are not enough to meet their ambitious emissions reduction targets. This column puts forward a framework for designing comprehensive decarbonisation strategies that promote growth and social inclusion. A policy mix based on three components is needed: (1) emission pricing, (2) standards and regulations, and (3) complementary policies that offset distributional effects. A robust and independent institutional framework and credible communications campaigns are key to managing policy constraints and enhancing public acceptance of mitigation policies.

Source: VoxEU CEPR

Despite the commitments of the 2021 UN Climate Change Conference, countries’ climate mitigation policies are not enough to meet their ambitious emissions reduction targets. This column puts forward a framework for designing comprehensive decarbonisation strategies that promote growth and social inclusion. A policy mix based on three components is needed: (1) emission pricing, (2) standards and regulations, and (3) complementary policies that offset distributional effects. A robust and independent institutional framework and credible communications campaigns are key to managing policy constraints and enhancing public acceptance of mitigation policies.

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Posted by at 8:59 AM

Labels: Energy & Climate Change, Inclusive Growth

Racial Disparities in the Paycheck Protection Program

Source: NBER Working Paper (2022)

Researchers Sergey Chernenko and David S. Scharfstein write about the significant racial disparities in borrowing through the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) using data gathered from a large sample of restaurants in Florida and then investigate the causes of these disparities. They find that- “Black-owned restaurants are 25% less likely to receive PPP loans. Restaurant location explains 5 percentage points of this differential. Restaurant characteristics explain an additional 10 percentage points of the gap in PPP borrowing. On average, prior borrowing relationships do not explain disparities. The remaining 10% disparity is driven by a 17% disparity in PPP borrowing from banks, which is partially offset by greater borrowing from nonbanks, largely fintechs. Disparities in PPP borrowing cannot be attributed to lower awareness of PPP loans or lower demand for PPP loans by minority-owned restaurants. Black-owned restaurants are significantly less likely to receive bank PPP loans in counties with more racial bias. In these counties, Black-owned restaurants are more likely to substitute to nonbank PPP loans. This substitution, however, is not strong enough to eliminate racial disparities in PPP borrowing”.

Source: NBER Working Paper (2022)

Researchers Sergey Chernenko and David S. Scharfstein write about the significant racial disparities in borrowing through the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) using data gathered from a large sample of restaurants in Florida and then investigate the causes of these disparities. They find that- “Black-owned restaurants are 25% less likely to receive PPP loans. Restaurant location explains 5 percentage points of this differential. Restaurant characteristics explain an additional 10 percentage points of the gap in PPP borrowing.

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Posted by at 12:05 PM

Labels: Inclusive Growth

Gendered Taxes: The Interaction of Tax Policy with Gender Equality

Source: IMF Working Paper


“This paper provides an overview of the relation between tax policy and gender equality, covering labor, capital and wealth, as well as consumption taxes. It considers implicit and explicit gender biases and corrective taxation. On labor taxes, we (the authors) discuss the well-established findings on female labor supply and present new empirical work on the impact of household taxation. We also analyze the impact of progressivity on pay gaps and labor supply. On capital and wealth taxation, we discuss the implications of lower effective capital income taxation on the personal income tax burden gap across genders. We show that countries with relatively low female shares of capital income and wealth also tend to tax property and inheritances particularly lightly. On consumption taxes, we cover taxes on female hygiene products and excise taxes, which we assess in relation to externalities and differences in consumption patterns across genders.”

Source: IMF Working Paper


“This paper provides an overview of the relation between tax policy and gender equality, covering labor, capital and wealth, as well as consumption taxes. It considers implicit and explicit gender biases and corrective taxation. On labor taxes, we (the authors) discuss the well-established findings on female labor supply and present new empirical work on the impact of household taxation. We also analyze the impact of progressivity on pay gaps and labor supply.

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Posted by at 1:43 PM

Labels: Inclusive Growth

Bargaining power, structural change, and the falling US labor share

One of the most significant stylized facts in the U.S. economy since the 1970s has been the decline in the share of national income accruing to labor. Many recent studies have sought to explain this trend, with most explanations focusing on structural changes such as deindustrialization, globalization, financialization, rising market concentration, and technological change.

In this paper, the authors argue that these forces primarily operate through a bargaining power channel measured by the cost of job loss and that the reduction in labor’s share of income has been driven by lower bargaining power for workers. They examine various parameters for the US between 1960 and 2016 to test this hypothesis and conclude that structural changes such as globalization (Furceri and Loungani, 2018) and weak economic performance in the US have increased inequality over time.

Click here to read the full paper.

One of the most significant stylized facts in the U.S. economy since the 1970s has been the decline in the share of national income accruing to labor. Many recent studies have sought to explain this trend, with most explanations focusing on structural changes such as deindustrialization, globalization, financialization, rising market concentration, and technological change.

In this paper, the authors argue that these forces primarily operate through a bargaining power channel measured by the cost of job loss and that the reduction in labor’s share of income has been driven by lower bargaining power for workers.

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Posted by at 1:23 PM

Labels: Inclusive Growth

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