“Housing prices have risen by about 33 percent since their nadir in 2013. Cash purchases have lately accounted for about half of total housing purchases. Nonetheless, the CBI’s announcement in October 2014 of macroprudential measures (in force since February 2015) has been associated with moderating expectations of future price increases, and has thus reduced the speculative demand for housing. Though slower, the rate of housing price appreciation continues, in part reflecting a weak supply response”, according to the IMF’s new
report on Ireland.

On housing market policies,the report says that “New measures in housing seek to boost sluggish supply which is exacerbating imbalances in this market. The confluence of still-subdued construction activity and rising demand has resulted in an acute housing shortage—especially in central Dublin—that has fueled prices and rents and stretched affordability. Mindful of the mounting pressures, the government has launched a policy package comprising measures to both boost supply (including streamlined building codes and rebates to developers for qualifying projects) and stabilize rents (also increasing tenant rights and protections). Staff welcomed the increased focus on the housing market, noting that some of the measures would help reduce building costs and could jump start construction activity, particularly of lower-cost homes where profit margins are tighter. The mission, however, warned that the administrative measures on rents could reduce rates of return on investment properties and thus dissuade construction.”